Expert witness
Elizabeth is the UK’s only physiotherapist working in hippotherapy to have qualified as an expert witness.
She’s an active member of the Medico Legal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (MLACP), demonstrating that she’s educated, trained and competent in the relevant justice standards, qualified in medico-legal report writing and maintaining CPD relevant to hippotherapy and riding therapy practice at the highest level.
Able to advise for both claimant and defendant, Elizabeth’s expert witness work includes short advice notes, desktop reports, condition and prognosis reports (Quantum) and physiotherapy needs reports in relation to hippotherapy and riding therapy.
Recent cases include adults with spinal cord injuries, children with cerebral palsy, victims of road traffic accidents and people with musculoskeletal conditions
Treating therapist
After a thorough assessment, we’ll put together a bespoke riding or hippotherapy programme, with frequent reassessment and resetting of aims and goals plus regular updates to the case managers and solicitors involved.
We accept instructions as treating therapist for clients requiring hippotherapy or riding therapy during the litigation process and provide treatment post settlement of a compensation claim. Clients are typically seen at a riding facility convenient to their own home. This is often a Riding for the Disabled Association group but can also be a commercial riding establishment or with a private riding instructor.
“You have made a very positive impression on AD and he is very enthusiastic and confident to pursue riding therapy further”
“We made very substantial savings. Your input was invaluable in respect of that element of the claim”
“It is great that Luke is responding and engaging so well with his hippotherapy”
Where do we work?
Although based in Yorkshire, we have undertaken medico-legal work all over England, from Brighton and Dorset in the south to Lancashire and Northumberland in the north.
For more information or support please get in touch