Riding therapy with qualified physiotherapists - Riding for Rehab

Riding is a wonderful activity for people with disabilities, whether as a competitive sport, to develop physical skills - or just for fun.

As well as the physical benefits, riders typically develop deep emotional bonds with the horse over a period of time. There’s also camaraderie within the riding group and relationships with instructors and helpers.

We work with the Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA) and other riding coaches to help instructors and helpers to carry out therapeutic riding programmes.

Specially-trained horses are tailored to each rider, taking into account size, shape and the horse’s individual gait.

We can help with:

●      Mounting and dismounting
●      Planning riding programmes and setting realistic goals
●      Special equipment
●      The best way to help specific riders to facilitate normal movement
●      Physiotherapy advice to more advanced disabled riders who are competing in RDA and para competitions
●      Training on medical conditions, moving and handling, the benefits of riding and other related topics for instructors and helpers
●      Preparation for exams for RDA coaches

Disabled Athelete Profiling


Riding for people with a disability is an increasingly popular sport, allowing riders to compete locally, nationally or internationally in paradressage and parashowjumping.

Disabled athletes wishing to compete must be profiled by a specially qualified physiotherapist in order to be classified and given a grade at which they can compete.

As a qualified classifier, Elizabeth Beckerlegge is able to offer this service. Please contact us for more details.

Riding as therapy

Riding simply as a leisure and pleasure activity brings great benefits to people with a disability.

As well as the social aspect - a fun shared experience with riders of similar ability - therapeutic advantages include improvements in strength and mobility, self-confidence and communication skills, learning and achievement.

We can help by suggesting special equipment, mounting and dismounting facilities and advising helpers on the best way to assist a client. We can also assist the riding coach to set realistic goals and lesson plans

The Riding for disabled association


The Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA) has been the largest provider of riding for people with a disability in the UK for 50 years and has built a strong foundation for delivering an excellent service.

Here at Riding for Rehab, we work with the RDA at group, regional and national level providing assessments and advice, assistance with specific riders and training to instructors and helpers.

Where possible, we work with clients in their local RDA group using the excellent horses and ponies, qualified instructors and trained helpers to develop and fulfil clients’ dreams and aspirations. RDA activities also include carriage driving and vaulting.

Thank you for your help and input.....I really enjoyed riding and will be taking regular lessons for enjoyment as well as from a therapy perspective if I get the same results next time
— 22year old with C6 SCI following Initial assessment ride, West Yorks
Horses are magic, aren’t they!
— Mature lady: Athetoid cerebral palsy, Cornwall

For more information on riding therapy please contact us